Palliative nurse talks about “frenzy” before patients’ deaths and the video goes viral

Palliative care nurse discusses 'delirium' before patients' deaths and video goes viral
Photos and video: TikTok @hospicenursejulie

A nurse on TikTok explained the state of “delirium” that some patients may experience moments before death. The video went viral on social media.

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Palliative care nurse, known as “Hospie Nurse Julie” on TikTok and YouTube, explained the state of “delirium” that some patients may experience moments before death. The video went viral on social media.

Julia calls this moment the “rally phase,” when the patient shows a sudden improvement in their condition, but it is not a real recovery.

“They (the patient) might suddenly wake up, be fully conscious, and have energy. Maybe their personality comes back and they start making jokes.” Julia says this can be an overwhelming time for family members.

“The devastating part is that they usually die within a few days after this burst of energy. Sometimes, even that same night,” Julie added.

In the viral video, she explains that she encounters these situations quite frequently. Julie’s explanation has surpassed 220,000 views.

“Think of it like a candle: when the candlelight is about to go out, it burns brightly and then – puff – it disappears!!”, commented one user on the video.

+Click here to see Julie’s video

Photos: TikTok @hospicenursejulie. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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